
Enhance your Organization’s Accessibility

Make your offerings accessible to the speech and hearing difficulty community

An image of a symbol AAC grid displaying various icons and symbols arranged in a grid format, used for communication.
  • Safe in-app Symbol Messaging

  • Allow users to advocate for themselves

  • Connect with Loved-ones

  • Easy set-up

Two-Way AAC Messaging

For Educators

  • Use our interactive, real-time activity boards

  • Manage your classroom with our website.

  • Shared classroom keyboard for lesson planning

An image showing a user interacting with the Ner Chat Active Board.  The screen displays a virtual whiteboard with various symbols submitted by students.
An image showing the Circles tab, where parents can manage familial communications. The interface displays options for organizing and monitoring family interactions, with icons and labels for different family members and communication tools.
  • Remotely edit symbol boards without taking away devices

  • Create a support network

  • Be a part of the AAC Journey

For Loved Ones

A new age of AAC is here.

What is AAC?

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is a set of tools and methods that help people who find it hard to speak. It includes things like special apps, devices that talk, and picture boards. AAC helps people express themselves when they can't use words easily, making communication easier for everyone.

A New Category: iAAC

We are the first ever interactive AAC (iAAC) platform allowing for messaging, remote programming, and classroom integration.

Business Integrations

We integrate with traditional platforms to enhance accessibility and independence in communication. This includes both symbol messaging and translation of notifications.

Child AAC user. Best platform. Easy to use.
Friends Life Community logo. They are one of our partner schools.

Hear from our partners:

“I have enjoyed watching our clients giggle with excitement and grow in independence through using this app…”

-Jessica Braden, Friends Life Community

One less meltdown
One less confusing interface
One less miscommunication

More Learning
More Communication
More Smiles :)

All on one unified platform.